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Nursery Without Toys
Love 2 Learn Nursery Love 2 Learn Nursery

Nursery Without Toys

‘Love 2 Learn Nursery’ follows ‘The Curiosity Approach®’,

which adds emphasis to move away from generic toys and resources and becoming 'Nurseries without toys'.

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Love 2 Learn Nursery Love 2 Learn Nursery


Resources made specifically for children, tend to feel the same, have similar textures, weights and smells.

They are also pre-built in most cases for a purpose, meaning they are a closed ended resource, a child would need to play with them in a specific way, to achieve a pre-determined learning outcome.

Authentic, natural resources and loose parts, are open ended resources, with the ability to be adapted by children's imaginations and ideas, supporting children to be advocates for their own learning experiences.

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The Many Theorists Of Early Years
Love 2 Learn Nursery Love 2 Learn Nursery

The Many Theorists Of Early Years

There are many theorists who have researched and discovered how children change and grow over the course of their childhood. These theories have then formed the way we support, teach and nurture children to achieve their full potential.

Some of these world renowned theorists have had an influential input on our educational system and in particular have helped to form the Early Years Foundation Stage.

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Sooner is not better!
Love 2 Learn Nursery Love 2 Learn Nursery

Sooner is not better!

Sadly, there is such a push to get children writing their names before they go to school, when in fact their bodies are not physically ready to formally handle a pencil to form recognisable letters, follow dots on a paper or write their name!

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